Attraction Marketing System

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why do 98% of network marketers not make any money!?

There are many reasons this happens, but if you boil it down to the vary basic reasons you will come up with two and there right in the name "Network Marketing". The First reason is your Network, every training i have ever been to this vary quote is said at least once or more times. "Your Network is your net worth" but what the neck dose this mean? Well its simple the people that you know or should i say know you is what is going to make you or break you! Many people who decide to get into Network Marketing don't have the right type of network, yes yes they tell you to make a list of names and #s of people who know you by first name, and yes some times this works but most the time it dose not! Have you every asked your self why it is that some people can sponsor 12 people in there first day? I know i have and i know why they can its there Network, you see the people that can sponsor 12 people in 24 hours already have the right type of network. They have people in there life that are ether business minded or already have a business in place in there life that is the real key to success. Now i am not say not to give your net work the chance to say NO to you what i am saying is that if you already know that someone has that business mind set its much easier for them to say YES! This is why when you first get in the BIZ they most often tell you to write the 20 most successful people you know on the top of you list! So now that you know that you really need the right type of network now can you get that network? Aaaahaaa the 1,000,000 $ questions I want to keep this blog short so ill get into that in my next one... sorry for the tease but it will make more sense latter.

Reason 2 for the fail of 98% of Network Marketers, you guessed it the marketing strategies they use! There are really 2 proven strategies that the 2% of people that are making money use they are the following. One they market to the right network off line, two they market to the right network on line! Sounds simple enough right! Well when you look at it like that it really is, but most people tend to make things harder then they need to... So Now do we market to the right people off line well here is the real trick, Lets take my product TRAVEL so i get in a TRAVEL network marketing business who would i market to? Duh people i know who like to travel! OK now what about the business side what if i am looking for the type of people in my life who would consider starting a business who would i talk to.....? Duh again people i know who are already in business for them self! Easy as that people ill get into better depth in my next blog! Now of the on line marketing same strategies but only using the Internet! Find where people that like your product look for your product and get it in front of them using ether blogs, videos, articles, Pay Per Click, Classifieds, and there are even a few more again next blog!

In the end its really as simple as having the right network and having the right marketing.. Stay on the look out for my next blog where ill go into more details!


  1. Hi Arlen, Great post, you are so right using "proven" marketing strategies is KEY to your success.
    Appreciate you sharing all these great tips with us.


  2. Arlen - So true. Finding your target market is key whether online or offline marketing. Great post as always. Debbie Parker
