Attraction Marketing System

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stop the madness!!

Stop the madness networkers, This Friday was a hard one for me I have to Deal with a loved ones funeral my grandmothers to be exact. I am not telling you this for you to feel pity on me or anything like that I brought it up because when i was waiting for the service to start i noticed my grandpa sitting in his wheel chair beside his wife's casket "my grandma" and as the service was to start the where going to wheel him into the seating area. That when he said "no I want to stay right here" so after talking with the funeral director and telling him his wishes they did. As every one ells sat in the crowd my grandpa sat right where he had sat for 60 years beside my grandma's side never wavering never asking him self whats in it for me, never imagining this day would ever come!

You see fellow Networker's some times we are looking something more then what we have whether its a better company, a better product or even a better system to help us market. Now I am in no way saying by any means that we should not always be looking for a better business opportunity, product or system what i am saying is that YOU and the key to making it all work! Stop the madness I say make a commitment to your self your company and even the system you use to market! who know with some hard work and some and a little luck in a few years you may just be sitting on that beach, in that nice house or in that amazing new car wondering what did i do to deserve this!

You see my grandpa lived every waking minute of his life loving my grandma, I feel you should put that same mind set into your networking business, stop the madness of all ways looking of a better way and focus on what you already have and put your everything into it!

I have found the way, the way to have the things i want!


  1. You hit the nail right on the head Arlen, we need to stop the madness. My best wishes to you and your family also.

  2. Great post here Arlen. Yes, commitment is key to life whether it is in regards to family or business, it is very important. Thank you.

  3. This is awesome Arlen. Thank you for sharing something so personal in your post. I whole heartedly agree that we should concentrate our efforts on the prize as it were and get there though determination and persistence. Great post!!!
    Nathan )0(

  4. Arlen, awesome post. Systems are everything in network marketing for duplication. If you have a system just like McDonald's for your downline, you can duplicate that down to your team and it will create a harvest for you.

    Not enough people want to stick around for the long haul. The key thing to Network Marketing is to do something well long enough and let the penny compound overtime.

  5. Excellent post! Many times people get started in a business and it doesn't go as smoothly as they think it should and they jump ship to another opportunity because the grass looked greener on the other side. Lots of times they are shortly disappointed to find out it wasn't any better. If you pour your heart into what you are doing and believe in it, no doubt it will work even if it takes a while.
    ~ Linda Dougherty ~

  6. So great of you to share something so personal Arlen and I'm so sorry for your loss. Your grandfather's commitment to stay by his beloved wife is incredibly touching. Great post!

  7. Arlen that you for giving us such a persoanl example of what it takes to succeed. Never giving up even when the fear of success kicks in and tries to throw you off your game. Stick to your plan and work it.
