Attraction Marketing System

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Review of "The UInemployed Millionaire"

OK I just started reading this book call "The Unemployed Millionaire" by Matt Morris. I'm on page page 54 and wanted to start a Review of the book and in put my thoughts about the book So Far Matt Talks about A lot of really good things Chapter 1 is all about his story... How he came from living out of his car to a Millionaire.....Crazy I know right.... He mentions in his book that he really was not going anywhere in his life until he found personal development, He says that he listened to it almost all the time when her first found it, I like to think that I have been doing a lot of listening to it as well but I know I could do more of it. He also talks about Hitting Rock bottom the fact he had to use Gas station Bathrooms to bath, and the time he tried to take a shower in the rain. He mentions that the first speaker he listened to was Tony Robbins, one of the most well known personal development speakers and how he played his tapes over and over and over... Chapter 2 he talk about Becoming an Unemployed Millionaire and what it Really means... He talks about how it is hard work and you can't do it over night.. He mentions that The core of becoming a Unemployed Millionaire is setting up a Business that generates income even while you are not working in your business! What a great idea right! He also talks about the difference between the Average person vs the Unemployed millionaire... and list's off all the thing that make great points about how being a 9 to 5 worker is almost crazy! Chapter 3 Talks about Beliefs... One of my favorite chapters so far... He mentions the fact that every really successful person believes that they where going to be that way even before they where! In this chapter he talks about how people like Donald Trump when asked "How hard is it to make a 100,000?) Always answers That is easy as if your asking a crazy question... He mentions the golden rule to becoming successful SUCCESS=Your Skill * Your Effort ... You see if you take your skills and put in a tone of effort you will become successful! Many people have skills but never put in effort and many people put in effort but have no skills! He also talks about the 3 ways to Develop belief the first he talks about how at first you may need to LIE to your self, trick your brain into thinking you already believe in what it is your trying to do, 2 The way people say shape our beliefs... So If your listening to people say you will never become successful then you start to believe it too... and to put your self in the middle of people that are already successful... He talks about the Power of lies.... If you tell your self that you will become successful long enough your brain will start to think you are and allow your self to do the things you need to become that way... Chapter 4 Dreams Produce impotent results, He says in this chapter to Dream big... If your dream dose not frighten you it may not be big enough! How dreams are the Fuel to the Desire you need to become successful... Becoming successful is not easy you see... and you need to desire it so badly that nothing will get in your way! Success Breeds Success he also talks about... so Surround your self with successful people, Don't be a try baby! I love this... "If you want to achieve any goal, your first step is to declare it! Take 100 percent responsibility for creating it and the clear out all the words like hopefully, Can't, maybe- and the killer try! That is as far as i am right now... more to come latter!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

3 things every good networker must have and share with there team!

I have a great story for you today! Last night i was laying in bed and the most amazing thing happened to me I came up with a great thought. I was trying to think what it is that makes me a successful network marketer and how i can help others get what it is i have that makes me successful. After laying in bed for a few minutes i broke it down it into 3 simple things!
1. Motivation- You see every really successful network marketer has it! Now most people think that its money or a nice car or some thing like that..... But if you ask any top income earner what it is that Motivates them they will most likely say something like family, security, peace of mind something with more meaning then just money. You see if your using money to motivate you most likely you will lose your way! The reason this happens is simple money has little motivational effect on people... sure it can make you work harder but only for a short time. Now if your Motivation is to put your kids threw the best school that money can buy... well now that is something that will last!

2. Inspiration- inspiration is a vary important key, people will lose there path if they do not see others like them doing or having the things that they want, If your in a network marketing company and have been to a training then you know what Inspiration looks like and feels like... you most likely have seen people crossing the stage or talked to people that are being successful or maybe have even taken a spin in a car that some one was given by the company you work for... That lets you know all your hard work can turn into!

3. Belief- If you don't have it you will quite, If you don't Believe it can happen to you then what is it that will keep you going when times are hard... you see people will tell you that all you have to do is show the plan, show the plan, show the plan, well that is true but you will have to show it a lot and be able to take a lot of No's or even worse excuses why people can't do it! If i had a 1$ for ever excuses i have gotten I would already be a rich!

How If you have all 3 of the things i listed the key really is to share and teach them to your team! Because if you don't soon you will find your self by your self doing all the work once again... So take the things that give you the 3 keys and share and teach them with your team!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Doing what you say!

I just wanted a quick blog post about doing the things that you say your going to do! Its amazing how something people sometimes say things but never do them! I don't know how many times i have head you really need to do this Arlen, or I am going to do this you should do this with me and we will be much more successful! Almost every time someone has come to me I have jumped on it and gone gun ho, almost to a fault i don't look right i don't look left i just do it day after day after day... And about 2 months go by and I pick my head up to look around a notice that I am all alone! No one is beside me doing that thing that was never my idea no one is doing the things that you really need to do to become successful not even the person who's idea it was!! Crazy right! Now most people would stop or just give up but not me I just put my head back down and start going hard at it again! Why do you ask? well its really simple people at the top do things that others wont do! Its the old saying. success= Short term actions * time! So if your doing the things that it takes even if your the only one doing them you will come out on the top!

To join my group a group that I lead and will never give up on!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I just wanted to take a few minutes and thank everyone who has been helping me with all my videos, blogs, and my biz! Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the great feed back and the great friendships! I hope you have a great Easter... be save and lets hit the ground running on Monday!

Friday, April 2, 2010

To much Info!? Find out what is working now!

So much info, so many books, people telling out try this try that!? If you have to much info and no time to try it all or just wish someone would tell you the things that are really working then this is for you! Find out what the top income earners are doing and have them show you what is working! I am going to keep this post short because i want to see what is working now!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why do 98% of network marketers not make any money!? The Marketing!

OK last part of the reason 98% of network marketers fail! They don't understand how to market I went into this a little bit in my last Blog post! So now you have that awesome list of names and #s do your research on that list how on that list already uses the things that you sell and if so can you save them money? If the answer is that you know people and that you can save them money then your job will be 1,000 times easier! OK so you have that list broke down to who uses your product already now this is the hard part you need to call them and mention that you might be able to save them money! WOW that was hard! Not really but again the 98% of people that fail wont do just that! pick up the phone and call the people that want to save money on the things they already buy! So lets say you do pick up the phone and lest say the person answers the phone what now.. This is where you come in! Say Hi this is Your name i noticed that your book a trip i was wondering if i could show you a way that you might be able to save on your next one would you be interested?...... wait for answer... You would great what time are you free this week.. its best to set appointments the same day but it dose not always work set the appointment sit down and show them your products and how they save money when they use them.... so they like the products here is your in! Mention that you the seller makes money when people buy the products and ask do you keep you income options open?..... wait for answer... you do well here is how i make money selling the things that you just bought! Remember that on every one will want to start a business but almost everyone wants to save on there travel! TO SAVE ON YOURS

Why do 98% of network marketers not make any money!? The Network!

OK Networkers time to elaborate on The Network side of net work marketing! So lets take your product... mine is travel.... write down everyone you know that likes to travel put them on your list of names first and foremost. Show them your products and how they would save buy using them! Easy right you would think so but here is the catch the people that your marketing to! Do they trust you? Do the even like you? you see people buy from people they like and trust so its vary important to build that trust and like along with the marketing that your are doing this is why in every network marketing company they tell you to make a list of names! Now in my experience its really important to have a relation ship with your list before you start asking them to buy unless they already buy what it is your selling then you can mention the fact that you might be able to save them money on the things they are buying.. you see people you always looking for a great deal if you can give them that then you on you way to making some money... That is the old school way and don't get me wrong it works but only some of the time. Now for the new school way the Internet and using it to market you and your products! OK so again we will use the product i sell travel where do people look for travel deals? Find a place where you would look for great travel deals and post a ADD there.. ether a pay add or article or what ever you choose make it not to sale'sie no one likes to be sold!! So its that simple know your market give your market what they want..... hope this helps!

Why do 98% of network marketers not make any money!?

There are many reasons this happens, but if you boil it down to the vary basic reasons you will come up with two and there right in the name "Network Marketing". The First reason is your Network, every training i have ever been to this vary quote is said at least once or more times. "Your Network is your net worth" but what the neck dose this mean? Well its simple the people that you know or should i say know you is what is going to make you or break you! Many people who decide to get into Network Marketing don't have the right type of network, yes yes they tell you to make a list of names and #s of people who know you by first name, and yes some times this works but most the time it dose not! Have you every asked your self why it is that some people can sponsor 12 people in there first day? I know i have and i know why they can its there Network, you see the people that can sponsor 12 people in 24 hours already have the right type of network. They have people in there life that are ether business minded or already have a business in place in there life that is the real key to success. Now i am not say not to give your net work the chance to say NO to you what i am saying is that if you already know that someone has that business mind set its much easier for them to say YES! This is why when you first get in the BIZ they most often tell you to write the 20 most successful people you know on the top of you list! So now that you know that you really need the right type of network now can you get that network? Aaaahaaa the 1,000,000 $ questions I want to keep this blog short so ill get into that in my next one... sorry for the tease but it will make more sense latter.

Reason 2 for the fail of 98% of Network Marketers, you guessed it the marketing strategies they use! There are really 2 proven strategies that the 2% of people that are making money use they are the following. One they market to the right network off line, two they market to the right network on line! Sounds simple enough right! Well when you look at it like that it really is, but most people tend to make things harder then they need to... So Now do we market to the right people off line well here is the real trick, Lets take my product TRAVEL so i get in a TRAVEL network marketing business who would i market to? Duh people i know who like to travel! OK now what about the business side what if i am looking for the type of people in my life who would consider starting a business who would i talk to.....? Duh again people i know who are already in business for them self! Easy as that people ill get into better depth in my next blog! Now of the on line marketing same strategies but only using the Internet! Find where people that like your product look for your product and get it in front of them using ether blogs, videos, articles, Pay Per Click, Classifieds, and there are even a few more again next blog!

In the end its really as simple as having the right network and having the right marketing.. Stay on the look out for my next blog where ill go into more details!

Friday, March 26, 2010

How to be a leader in MLM # 6

Learn to motivation your team! I love this one, I am have coached many sports wrestling, football, track, softball, swimming , and a few more and motivation is one of my favorite things and its so different for everyone! You see some kids i coached would get motivated by me telling them there was no way they could do something, others got motivated from my showing them kids just like them doing things bigger and better then them, and others just need me to show them that I believed in them and they need to believe too or they would never get what they wanted not only in sports but in life! Don't get me wrong you need to teach the skills to your team, like how to blog, Youtube, write articles, and so forth, But what is going to make that person learn and implement the skills? You guessed it MOTIVATION! Its the single most impotent thing not only in MLM but in life! Find out what makes the people on your team tick, and you that to get them to do what it takes to get the things they want! Now how do you learn to motivate your team you ask, how can you get them to do the things you want them to and that they really need to do to become successful!? That is a great question, Here is how i learned what makes people tick, YOU ASK THEM! I know it seams so simple but many in MLM never take the few seconds it takes to really learn what makes the people on there team tick, and i am not sure why they don't It really dose not take all that long and once you know what drives a person you can harness it and use it! OK so now you know what drives your person, how do you use it? Well if you have never coached or been in charge of a sales team or ever really even been a leader in anything you still can learn to motivate people, HOW your probably asking your self? Well here is what I did to learn just that I looked at all the great coaches that i had in my life and tried to ether contact them and sit down and ask them that vary question, or remember the things they said or did to motivate me and the teams i had been part of. Another thing I did want look at all the great Motivational speakers and look them up on YOUTUBE and really took the time to learn what they where doing and how they where doing it!

To learn more tips Visit me here!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How to be a leader #5

Learn to become a great trainer! Look at ever top income earner. Not only the ones in MLM but in any really successful company ever! What is one thing they all have in common? They all learned how to train there team or had someone on there team learn how to train for them! Its crazy i was laying in bed last night thinking what do people like Mike Dillard, Johnathan Budd, David Wood and the rest of the Top MLMer have in there pocket that I can add to mine?! Guess what Its training! Now May people only take time to train there team "for free" and make other that are not on there team pay for the training.. Well here is the deal I am going to give you a bunch of my training for free! Crazy right? Ill be honest i think the things i know how to do are worth a lot of money and people would pay to learn them as well, but another thing popped into my head last night! The people who give away there tips for free create a greater following! Look at every great political leader who gave away there leadership skills for free! Martin Luther King, Franklin D Roosevelt, Nelson Mandela, Teddy Roosevelt and so many more! Every one of the people on that list Never charged a penny for there leadership! Don't get me wrong I am just like every other red blooded Amarican out there and want to make money, But I Don't want to make money by sharing the tips I have learned I want to make money by selling my products! I feel when you give something your more likely to reaceve something in turn! SO IF YOU WANT SOME FREE TIPS JUST JOIN MY MAILING LIST HERE!

Friday, March 19, 2010

How to be a leader #4

Have amazing character Its funny it seams so simple but if your going to lead others you can't lie, cheat, miss lead, or embellish the facts! I like to think of being a leader or becoming a leader! If your a good person and do the right things people will follow you! But if they see a ouch of non truth or doubt in you they will run faster then you can try and catch them! Think of Lincon he was fighting for what was right! No person should be help against there will or even worse made to work for nothing! The north new they where right and that is why they won the war! So always do the right thing lead by example and don't ever forget about the people you lead once you make them more impotent then your self then you know your on the right rode!

So do the right thing make everyone on your teams dream more impotent then your own and you dreams will come true!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How to be a leader #3 Dont even think about giving up!

So you want to give up do you?! You want to quit, can't take one more step, you have nothing left not a ounce of drive or energy to do any more!? I know where your at, I know how it feels. Maybe you have not made a penny in your company, maybe you just don't have the money to start. Or maybe there is a different resion that i have not listed. Before you give up i want to make sure you know what your giving up on! Your giving up on not only your self, but your dreams the things you want out of life and if you have anyone on your team your giving up on them as well. I want you to think about the work quit for a bit, just saying that word makes me want to go back out there and fail one more time... I don't know how many times i have had some one say NO ill be honest every time I hear that WORD its like a drug i want to try and get one more...!!! So don't you dear think about Giving up! Never give up ever!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How to be a leader part 2

Make sure you know where your going! What dose this mean you ask well i want you to think of the founding fathers. Well every one in America was being taken advantage of my the British with heft tax's and many other things. The people like s: Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton had a vision of what they wanted for the country well at that time it was not yet a country but that is where they where headed! So make sure you know where your going, as far as other people most people have a vary hard time making up there minds, Next time you go out to eat order your food and take time to notice how long it takes other to do the same. So how can you make that change you ask buy knowing where you going. You see most people in life look for others to follow to be leaders to blaze the trail. Well be that person and have a place where you going that others want to go as well and guess what soon enough you will turn around a notice that others are following you!

For more tips!

Monday, March 15, 2010

How to be a leader part 1

This is the fist part of what i believe is the best way to really become a leader! Setting a high goal, you see many people tend to set here goals lower so that they can be more easily achieved. So if your going to set a goal make it one that almost scares you! If your goal dose not scare you its not big enough! setting high goals will inspire the people that you lead to set there goals higher and push them and you to do everything in your power to achieve them. Think about it this way If your goal is to become the top income earner in your company. The people that are on your team following you will see your goal and that you set you goal high and will do the same. You see high goals are more more like dreams they inspire and drive you.

This is the fist step to become a leader. For more tips!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Using to grow you business!

A few weeks back i did a youtube video about and how you could use it to build your business! Well guess what i started doing just that! I when to a meet up event a few days back, brought business cards and did some great networking! Its amazing how well it worked, I always here people say I don't know anyone that would want to start a business or everyone i know is broke. Well at the meet up events you will meet other like minded people that are looking to start or already have started there own business! Not only that they are looking for other people to do business with what a great way to grow a customer base and even expose you company and products to people actively looking to make extra income!

For more tips From Arlen Madsen

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


How many No's will you go threw before you find your yes? I was at a live training for Worldventures and one of the trainers was talking about the word no and how people are mentally trained over years to be discouraged buy the word know. He said the 98% of network marketer that do fail give up after getting 20-50 nos and give up trying! wow 50 nos and you give up? I thought about that and how many people i would be able to get No's from before i gave up... then she brought up a person from her team. He started by saying I have gotten 100 nos in a row with out getting one yes! Now how many of use would be able to take 100 nos in a row? I taught about that for a few minuets and made up my mind that i would take as many nos as it would take before i would give up! Most people say that is madness your just losing money, or that will never work, or why are you still doing that if it is not working? I as them the same about there J.O.B I ask them do you love your job? If you had enough money to quit would you still stay there? Most people say "NO!" that is why i am doing this! As much as i love my job, as good as i get payed I don't want to be there until i turn 65 or how ever old i will need to be to retie, do you want that? "NO" OK what is you plan to get out of where you are? At least i have a plan, you don't even have that!!!! I don't know if you know this but if your are under the age of 40 you probably wont get "social security" so why the #$@@ would you work in a J.O.B. that you don't like that dose not pay you what your worth and that is not going to let you retire until your 55 if your lucky!

To find out how you cant start your own plan and have the things you want!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stop the madness!!

Stop the madness networkers, This Friday was a hard one for me I have to Deal with a loved ones funeral my grandmothers to be exact. I am not telling you this for you to feel pity on me or anything like that I brought it up because when i was waiting for the service to start i noticed my grandpa sitting in his wheel chair beside his wife's casket "my grandma" and as the service was to start the where going to wheel him into the seating area. That when he said "no I want to stay right here" so after talking with the funeral director and telling him his wishes they did. As every one ells sat in the crowd my grandpa sat right where he had sat for 60 years beside my grandma's side never wavering never asking him self whats in it for me, never imagining this day would ever come!

You see fellow Networker's some times we are looking something more then what we have whether its a better company, a better product or even a better system to help us market. Now I am in no way saying by any means that we should not always be looking for a better business opportunity, product or system what i am saying is that YOU and the key to making it all work! Stop the madness I say make a commitment to your self your company and even the system you use to market! who know with some hard work and some and a little luck in a few years you may just be sitting on that beach, in that nice house or in that amazing new car wondering what did i do to deserve this!

You see my grandpa lived every waking minute of his life loving my grandma, I feel you should put that same mind set into your networking business, stop the madness of all ways looking of a better way and focus on what you already have and put your everything into it!

I have found the way, the way to have the things i want!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Working as a group!

Its so great when you can find a group of people that will take the time to work together! You see in order to get top results in any search engine you need to have people rate, comment, and follow you! How can you do this well it really is quite simple! Start a syndication group with fellow networker's that have the same goal can share content to be rated, commented, and to follow you! You see if you all do this for each other then your content will rise to the top of the search engines. Its also important to post your content in more then one spot I.E. if you make a article about something make a Youtube video linking to that content! There are also a bunch of article submission places make sure to post your content with links back to the original article as well!
All in all when you work as a team it will make your hard work rise to the top easier then if you work all by your self!

For more mlm tips!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How to pick your mlm like the pros!

People often want to know what a good MLM consist of and how to pic out a good company vs a not so good one!

This is probably one of the most debated things in mlm everyone out there says that there company is the best or that it has the best comp plan or something along that line. Well i ask you this if everyone is saying there company is the best or there company is the the best how can you decide what one is right for you?

Ill give you a few guides that you can use when picking a mlm that are simple and easy to use!

#1 thing to look at- the products it seams so simple but the products a company offers has a lot to do with the success of the company and have a direct effect on you as a rep or distributor or what ever you title is. So take a close look at the products your offering would you use them, how many other people do you know would use them, what is the over all market of your products and what is the size of the industry, and what is the composition in that market?

#2 Leaders- this is also a huge thing when considering a company look at the founder or founders what kind of credentials do they have? Dose your company have a main office, this is also big deal it give people a tangible when looking at a company. Look at every really big company out there they all have offices or headquarters.

# 3 The stage of growth of the company, Ever company go's threw 4 stages of growth Formulation,Concentration,Momentum, and Stability! Formulation is the most risky to join this 98% of all network marketing company fail in this stage, how ever there is also a huge potential to make money in this stage as well. Concentration any company in concentration has made 50 million in sales in a given year, this is also a great time to make money because not many people know about the company and unlike formulation the risk is a lot less 90% of company that are in formulation make it to stability! Momentum this is where the money is really made, how ever if you get in a company that is already in momentum the gains will not always be as good as if you became a part in the 2 stages before this stage. Last but not least Stability Its is a company that has been around and has made a name for them self I.E. Amway, Mary Kay, So forth this is the least amount of risk when you join a company in this stage but there is much less opportunity to make more, because everyone has herd of the company and most people have ether found a distributor to buy products from or have been in the company.

#4 Comp Plan! Here is where the rubber meets the road! There are so many comp plans I don't even want to was you time by going over them all, Just know this you want a comp plan with no retractions, you see some comp plans only pay out so much or go so deep or wide before you a punished for growing it to big so make sure you understand what your comp plan entails is there a restriction on how much you can make, what kind of bonus's are there I.E. Car bonus, house bonus, bonus for building a team and so forth!

#5 the tip of tools the company offers you, I.E. websites, Lead generation, training calls and so forth!

To see a company i fee meet all the criteria i put forth! "MY RECOMMENDATION"

What did you do today?

I saw a great interview with Aplo Ohno about his training tactics when the Olympics where going on. He was talking about his training and how at the end of every day he would lay in bed and ask him self "did I do everything I could do to become better today" I thought about that statement for about a hour. I wondered how hard it would be to honestly say yes to that question and all the things i would have to do to be comfortable to answer yes!

You see I really don't think there would be a day that i could lay in bed and say yes to that and I guess that is the point, you need to really drive your self everyday to become or to get what it is that you want and if at the end of every day you ask yourself that simple but loaded question "did I do everything I could do to become better today" then tomorrow you will do a little more and the day after a little more and so on!

So I ask you "did you do everything you could do to become better today?" if you to answer no like I do then lets try a little harder tomorrow and even harder the day after that and so on!

free training webinar to explode your business

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Your in a mlm now what?!

OK so your in a mlm now what! The vary first step just might be the hardest one of all to make a goal! Lots of people have a hard time with goals because, well they are afraid of not reaching the goals they set! Well if that is the only thing holding you back then you just might want to rethink the fact that you are in business for your self! If you never set goals you will fall flat on you face in network marketing! The second thing you need to learn is marketing! Most network market trainers will tell you to make a list of names and #s and to call that list! Well if you don't know how to market like a professional to that list it will do you no good, just being honest! So learn how to market like a professional after you do that go after that list! 3rd is how to use the internet to market! That is how all really successful network marketers make there big bucks using the internet to build there list to 3000 to 4000 that is when your going to make the big bucks!
So having said that Go get them!

Friday, February 26, 2010

What is it that you want?!

I remember a great training i went to in Las Vegas not to long ago and there was a great Trainer there his name was Steve Little, He is the top income earner in are company and makes about 100,000k a month! In his training you started by asking everyone what do you want? Its such a simple question to ask, but the answer is some time hard to come by... what do you want? I must have sat there from about 5 minutes asking my self the question over and over and over to try and figure out what it was that i really wanted! You want to know what i came up with? No it was not 100,000k a month, no it was not a really nice car, no it was not even time freedom! I was to be happy! Now it was not that i was sad at that time or that i am a sad person! I am one of the most positive people that I know I always try to find the silver lining in everything It's just who i am. Having said that the happieness I was looking for was making a goal to be on that vary stage and thinking about how it would feel to look out over all the people and sharing my story with them! I can see it now and that feeling would make me happy! So ask your self what is it that you really want? After you do that write down your goal and what it is going to take to get there and remind your self every day to do what it takes to get it!

For more tips

Tips to help you Dominate MLM today!

Here are a few videos i put together to help you with some simple ideas to help you Dominate MLM starting Today!
tip 1 forum marketing

tip 2 facebook marketing

tips 3 Craigslist marketing

Tip 3 mind set!

Tip 4 Traffic swarm marketing