OK so your in a mlm now what! The vary first step just might be the hardest one of all to make a goal! Lots of people have a hard time with goals because, well they are afraid of not reaching the goals they set! Well if that is the only thing holding you back then you just might want to rethink the fact that you are in business for your self! If you never set goals you will fall flat on you face in network marketing! The second thing you need to learn is marketing! Most network market trainers will tell you to make a list of names and #s and to call that list! Well if you don't know how to market like a professional to that list it will do you no good, just being honest! So learn how to market like a professional after you do that go after that list! 3rd is how to use the internet to market! That is how all really successful network marketers make there big bucks using the internet to build there list to 3000 to 4000 that is when your going to make the big bucks!
So having said that Go get them!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
What is it that you want?!
I remember a great training i went to in Las Vegas not to long ago and there was a great Trainer there his name was Steve Little, He is the top income earner in are company and makes about 100,000k a month! In his training you started by asking everyone what do you want? Its such a simple question to ask, but the answer is some time hard to come by... what do you want? I must have sat there from about 5 minutes asking my self the question over and over and over to try and figure out what it was that i really wanted! You want to know what i came up with? No it was not 100,000k a month, no it was not a really nice car, no it was not even time freedom! I was to be happy! Now it was not that i was sad at that time or that i am a sad person! I am one of the most positive people that I know I always try to find the silver lining in everything It's just who i am. Having said that the happieness I was looking for was making a goal to be on that vary stage and thinking about how it would feel to look out over all the people and sharing my story with them! I can see it now and that feeling would make me happy! So ask your self what is it that you really want? After you do that write down your goal and what it is going to take to get there and remind your self every day to do what it takes to get it!
For more tips
For more tips
Tips to help you Dominate MLM today!
Here are a few videos i put together to help you with some simple ideas to help you Dominate MLM starting Today!
tip 1 forum marketing
tip 2 facebook marketing
tips 3 Craigslist marketing
Tip 3 mind set!
Tip 4 Traffic swarm marketing
tip 1 forum marketing
tip 2 facebook marketing
tips 3 Craigslist marketing
Tip 3 mind set!
Tip 4 Traffic swarm marketing
mlm tips,
mlm training,
mlm training videos,
trips for mlm
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